Health News

How to have Great Hair

How to have Great Hair

Friday 10th February 2023

Making sure your hair is as healthy as possible is about more than just which shampoo you use. A multitude of different factors affect how sleek, shiny, and strong your hair is.

Sure, some of it's natural—you have to work with the locks you were born with—but a lot of it has to do with how well you care for those locks.

Go Natural
Your hair needs a rest from everything that it is subject to during the week.. If possible, let your hair air-dry, avoid heated styling products, and keep it out of a ponytail or tight headband to avoid any unnecessary pulling on the hair shaft. Just go natural when you can.

Diet is So Important
This healthy hair habit might seem like it has nothing to do with your actual hair: a balanced diet. Protein is the building block of hair.

Hair is considered a non-essential tissue, so the body doesn't send protein to hair follicles first—it focuses on essential organs, like the heart or liver—but if you're eating enough, the body will be able to distribute protein everywhere it's needed.

Food supplements like Biotin, Collagen, Saw Palmetto or a multi vitamin can be very beneficial to the health of your hair and body.

Another important nutrient is iron. It's an energy source for the haired a mineral the hair needs. Iron deficiency has been linked to female patterned hair loss.

But don't worry if you're a vegetarian—you can still get protein into your diet.

Be Gentle
If you insist on blow-drying your hair every day, be wise:

Don't concentrate the highest level on your hair for a long time. "

Keep it moving on a cooler setting and lower velocity.

It takes a little bit longer, but a little more care and time will be beneficial.

If you plan to curl or straighten your hair with a hot tongs or iron, use a protective spray beforehand.

Wear a Hat
The sun dries your hair out making it brittle. So while a hat protects your face from the sun, it also protects your scalp from burning and hair from dehydrating.

Don't use really Hot Water
Really hot water doesn't do great things for your hair. In fact, it dries it out and for coloured hair washes out the hair colour faster than cold water. Lukewarm water is better for your hair and skin.

The Secret of Sleep
Having good regular sleep will be an amazing tonic for your hair. It's the way the body recharges and revitalises your hair and eyes especially.

Don't over brush your hair and don't forget you're never fully dressed without great hair.